note the statement in your Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2008, which is incorporated by reference into the above listed
registration statement, that the company’s disclosure controls and
procedures were “sufficiently effective” to ensure that the information
required to be disclosed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 was
gathered, analyzed and disclosed with adequate timeliness, accuracy and
completeness, based on an evaluation of such controls and procedures at
the end of the fiscal year. Given the use of the word
“sufficiently” it remains unclear whether your chief executive officer and
chief financial officer have concluded that your disclosure controls and
procedures are effective. Please confirm that in your next Form
10-K you will state, in clear and unqualified language, the conclusions
reached by your chief executive officer and chief financial officer on the
effectiveness of your disclosure controls and
confirm that in our next annual report on Form 10-K we will state, in
clear and unqualified language, the conclusions reached by our chief
executive officer and chief financial officer on the effectiveness of our
disclosure controls and procedures.